This blog is totally not responsible for any life ruined.


Monday, February 26, 2007

You need a life

FYI, I didn't abandon my blog... I am just too tied up.
Last Wednesday and Thursday didn't sleep again, only that this time it was so much harder to stay up. The previous 50-hours of awakeness was endurable because of the massive adrenaline, as well as that I had a hidden source of power =]

Here's my FYP schedule for the following week:

Monday: External Examination
Tuesday: External Examination
Wednesday: External Examination + Sleep
Thursday: Diploma Show
Friday: Diploma Show
Saturday: FREEMAN

And a few quick things I'd like to mention:

1. I hate non-design people who think being in the design line is easy and whatever they're doing takes up much more than design.

For example: You work as a Sentosa Island receptionist. You sweat under the blazing sun and don't get to sit. Thus, you tell your designer friend that he's so lucky, only have to lock himself up, draw nice drawings, can sit down 24/7 in a fully air-conditioned room. All I can say is...

Because you are totally rubbish for saying things you don't know about. It's the same as saying 1 + 2 = 6 without an effing reason to back yourself up.

2. I don't hate lazy people. I hate people who stop learning. When you stop learning, you can become stupid. When you become stupid, you like to act smart. And then me hate you x1000.

By learning I don't mean school stuff, getting diploma, masters, blah blah. What I mean is using your brain constantly to process useful and sensible things (provided you have a brain in the first place). Also, scoring 8 for O's doesn't prove that you're smarter than one who scored 25. At all. Ever.

So, never show off your O's score because past your meager young age, it is absolutely meaningless. Scratch that, it does have one meaning: you're a nerdy bookworm. So again...

3. My sister is selling some accessories on her blog, do visit her blog at I insist you take a look, because if you don't...

You just got owned by Elvis.
Time to get back to work =]

Tales told @ 3:27 AM   0 Comments


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