This blog is totally not responsible for any life ruined.


Monday, February 26, 2007

You need a life

FYI, I didn't abandon my blog... I am just too tied up.
Last Wednesday and Thursday didn't sleep again, only that this time it was so much harder to stay up. The previous 50-hours of awakeness was endurable because of the massive adrenaline, as well as that I had a hidden source of power =]

Here's my FYP schedule for the following week:

Monday: External Examination
Tuesday: External Examination
Wednesday: External Examination + Sleep
Thursday: Diploma Show
Friday: Diploma Show
Saturday: FREEMAN

And a few quick things I'd like to mention:

1. I hate non-design people who think being in the design line is easy and whatever they're doing takes up much more than design.

For example: You work as a Sentosa Island receptionist. You sweat under the blazing sun and don't get to sit. Thus, you tell your designer friend that he's so lucky, only have to lock himself up, draw nice drawings, can sit down 24/7 in a fully air-conditioned room. All I can say is...

Because you are totally rubbish for saying things you don't know about. It's the same as saying 1 + 2 = 6 without an effing reason to back yourself up.

2. I don't hate lazy people. I hate people who stop learning. When you stop learning, you can become stupid. When you become stupid, you like to act smart. And then me hate you x1000.

By learning I don't mean school stuff, getting diploma, masters, blah blah. What I mean is using your brain constantly to process useful and sensible things (provided you have a brain in the first place). Also, scoring 8 for O's doesn't prove that you're smarter than one who scored 25. At all. Ever.

So, never show off your O's score because past your meager young age, it is absolutely meaningless. Scratch that, it does have one meaning: you're a nerdy bookworm. So again...

3. My sister is selling some accessories on her blog, do visit her blog at I insist you take a look, because if you don't...

You just got owned by Elvis.
Time to get back to work =]

Tales told @ 3:27 AM   0 Comments

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I swear that FYP is such a never-ending marathon,
Even that finish line is but a blur.

This could be the pinnacle of sleeplessness!

Tales told @ 10:55 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.

If I can turn back time, I'd like to say sorry and I would do whatever you ask.. I'm just too stupid, stubborn, stuck up.

"Surely the year ahead will be a better one for u"
Yeah right, like how am I supposed stay positive this way?

No mood to blog

Tales told @ 7:23 PM   0 Comments

Friday, February 16, 2007

CNY Mosquito

I am now having spasm like a fish out of water... thanks to mosquito bites.
I went down to the gym for awhile today, compelled to do a short exercise, but poor unaware me didn't know that there was a mosquito there. A VERY hungry mosquito. In 3 minutes, I got bitten 6 times in 5 spots by a SINGLE mosquito! Sad. A mosquito had CNY feast on me. In case you are wondering how it is possible to get bitten 6 times in 5 spots.. well in one spot I bitten TWICE. Perhaps a picture would better explain it.

I reckon the mosquito was on Viagra. And stop admiring my awesome photoshop art. I couldn't help but draw beautiful pictures *rolls eyes*

AND in case you were wondering...

Now you know.

Tales told @ 3:46 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Moving ahead

I didn't blog on the 14th cuz I was having moodswing like a small girl on pms, and I don't want my blog to get all emo so I didn't write.


BUT I'm still feeling a bit moody so maybe this entry will get some emo touch afterall. Ughh.

In my life, one belief has never come to a change; anything that makes you happy, will one day make you sad as well. The higher you've flown, the further you will fall. Such is the basic rule of balance.

Very soon I will graduate from TP (if I pass my FYP) and then there will surely be goodbyes, to my friends and great lecturers. We leave footprints in places, and people come and go, and they say it's part of life. Despite whatever you think of me, I do spend a lot of efforts into friendship. And the very thought of leaving a place makes me think that I'm going to lose my friends again. About 3 years ago, when my highschool classmates went to JCs, I was devastated and I told one of my friends about it. I remember she then said, "Don't worry, we won't forget you". Such simple words, almost cliche. But it was just the words I wanted to hear... I broke down in silence.

I think that experience alone has shaped me into a better human. People come, people go, but we can always go back one space and keep in touch, if we care enough to spend the effort. Leaving a place is not always a bad thing, leaving a place means moving onwards, meeting new people in totally different experiences. If we were stuck to one place, there will be less chances for new things in our lives.

You just wasted a few minutes of your life listening to my crap.

Anyway, I'm moving house once again. Since birth, I've moved house for 5 times so this will be the 6th. I just moved in to my current place around 6 months ago, people ask me why the heck would I move again? Somemore it's got a great-looking swimming pool...

Truth be told, this house was bought too hastily because last time my family needed a place to stay (since we sold our previous house too early). In my opinion I think this condo has a very pleasant design, BUT the maintenance etc is wayyyy below average. They hire untrained cleaners, not to mention lazy ones. The gardener anyhow spray water around and leaves the hose unmanned. And I think the cleaners weren't paid to clean up the pool or something; there are leaves and dirts everywhere in the pool and jacuzzis. Not to mention the guards, some of them are fucking rude. There was this one time I was so tired and the entrance gate was faulty it wouldn't open. I told the guards, they couldn't care less, giving me the "it's not my problem" attitude. Were u paid to watch TV or something? The gym on the other hand is damn nice, keeps you coming back for more.

Hopefully the place where I'm moving into is better. It has to, I mean it costs almost twice as much as my current house >.<
I've only been there once though, so I can only remember a few details. Design wise I think it loses out, because this condo is 4 years old. Swimming pool on the third floor, damn small. Gym on the 13th floor, quite a view. My unit is on the 29th floor, meaning jump down sure die exploded beyond recognition. My room scores a 1 out of 10 for design. Seriously need a major revamp.

Tales told @ 12:48 AM   0 Comments

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bus stop issue


FYP critical period has passed by, or at least I consider it so. There will be another grading session which comes in the form of an exhibition. Hopefully those angmohs whom are coming to grade us are nice enough to not look down at us asian. Otherwise, they can go choke on some Chinese cuisine.

So how did my FYP go, if you'd care to ask. Overall, I think I did better than my usual crappy projects (in which the lecturers had to buy my bluffs) but whether it was good enough to pass me I don't know for sure.

Yesterday, I went to school and seemingly for the first time, I didn't take a cab. That's right, I took the ol' 518 from the bus stop outside of Heeren. As you might already know, this bus comes in like every 30-40 mins. So, right, I sat there waiting patiently without things having my iPod to entertain me, and focusing on the environment I realized a few things.

I think many people are ignorant, and I also thing that the Heeren bus stop is one of the most unstrategic bus stop in Singapore. There I was, aseated on one convenient seat, waiting for the bus. Having to wait for very long, I naturally wouldn't want to miss the bus for anything other than Jessica Alba. But every few mins, someone would come and STAND in front of me, peeking about to see if his/her bus has come by. HELLO? You are blocking my view sir, please move away kthxbye. Of course I didn't say that. But looking at my insolent stare I think they could read my mind. Then they'd do the "oh, I'm sorry I will siam" move.

This potbelly ahpek mindful-looking elderly is just one of the many people who did the same dreadful thing. The first thing I do when I go to a bus stop, is to make sure that I'm not blocking anyone's line of vision - I think it should at least be considered a basic courtesy. So, for the love of God, do tell your mother father brother sister uncle auntie ahma ahkong to not do such a thing. I wouldn't tell my dad 'cause he wouldn't care anyway.

However, all this cannot surpass the stupidity, of whoever PLANTED THAT STUPID TREE next to the bus stop!!!! &@^!%#$ARGHH the humanity...

Tales told @ 1:20 PM   0 Comments

Sunday, February 4, 2007


I love buying food at Yakitori because they got one pretty&hawt and one sweet&innocent chicks.....err I mean chicken....

Don't blame me if I put on 20kg soon enough.

Tales told @ 6:25 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, February 3, 2007


Sigh damn sad right now.
FYP is really ruining my life in more than one way...
It is affecting my mental and physical health, my social life and many other things. I sleep 5-6 hours a day, have one meal a day - not because I want to but because I have no time - yet my mom never choose to understand. She only knows how to scold when I sleep late or skipped my meal - does she even know why I do the things I do? Nope. All the workload in school gives enough stress to kill me. Then when I return home, I don't get to relax. I have to do more work while enduring my mom's nagging. TIAN AH!!!!

But I think I endure quite well. They say FYP is the one of the effective ways to lose weight, and so far I've only lost 2 kg. It's not bad comparing to the period of time when I easily lost 6-7 kg.

FYP will unofficially finish on the 7th of Feb, in which on the 6th the stress level will be paramount. I miss having free time. I miss sleeping soundly. I miss eating properly. I miss hanging out with my cliques. I miss potato couching. I miss watching movie. I miss badmintoning. I miss gaming. I miss LIFE.


Tales told @ 5:45 PM   0 Comments